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Ahmed Zewail , The Nobel prize



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Dr Ahmed Zewail is an Egyptian scientist. He was born on February, 1946 in Egypt where he grew up. He joined Alexandria University. He completed his studies in The united states, After that  Dr Zewail worked at the California institute of Technology. Dr Ahmed Zwail married and had four children.



 He is interested in chemistry.  He received a degree of science and a master of science from Alexandria university.  Before moving to the United States to complete his studies. One of nature's most fundamental processes is chemical reactions in which molecules linked together by atoms meet and reorganize into new substances. This transition from one constellation to another happens very quickly.

 Nobel Prizes 2021

Thirteen laureates were awarded a Nobel Prize in 2021, for achievements that have conferred the greatest benefit to humankind.Their research and discoveries encompass a wide range of topics, including the Earth's climate and our sense of touch, as well as attempts to protect freedom of expression.Here's where you can find them all. 

 He won the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1999 for developing a fast laser technique which enabled scientists to study the action of atoms during chemical reactions. The breakthrough created a new field of physical chemistry known as femto chemistry.
Because of discovering the femto second, in 1998, at the age of 52, Dr Zewail won the Benjamin Franklin Medal . The femto second is one millionth of one billionth of a second. Many scientists, students and important people attended the party and saw Dr Zewail receive his prize. Dr Zewail got the Nobel Prize for Chemistry after that. 

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   After he get B.Sin 1967 and M.S in1969 degrees from Alexandria University, Zewail came to the University of Pennsylvania, where he get a doctorate in 1974. After two years, he joined the faculty at the California Institute of Technology, and in 1990 he was selected as the school’s first Linus Pauling Professor of Chemical Physics.

Special Honours

King Faisal International Prize in Science (1989).
First Linus Pauling Chair, Caltech (1990).
Wolf Prize in Chemistry (1993).
Order of Merit, first class (Sciences & Arts), from President Mubarak (1995).
Robert A. Welch Award in Chemistry (1997).
Benjamin Franklin Medal, Franklin Institute, USA (1998).
Egypt Postage Stamps, with Portrait (1998); the Fourth Pyramid (1999).
Nobel Prize in Chemistry (1999).
Grand Collar of the Nile, Highest State Honor, conferred by President Mubarak (1999).      


 Due to chemical reactions continues only 10 to 100 femtoseconds (fs)—one femtosecond is 0.000000000000001 second, or 10-15—A lot of scientists believed it would be impossible to study the events that constitute a reaction. In 1980s, however, Zewail was able to view the motion of atoms and molecules through using a method based on new laser technology capable of producing light flashes just tens of femtoseconds in duration.


       Zewail died on August 2, 2016 at the age of seventy after a long suffer from cancer. A military funeral was held for Zewail on August 7, 2016 at the El-Mosheer Tantawy mosque in Cairo, Egypt. President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, Prime Minister Sherif Ismail, al-Azhar Grand Imam Ahmed el-Tayeb, Defence Minister Sedki Sobhi, former President Adly Mansour, former Prime Minister Ibrahim Mahlab and heart surgeon Magdi Yacoub attended his funeral .The funeral prayers were led by Ali Gomaa, former Grand Mufti of Egypt.

