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برجاء الانتظار جارى تجهيز الرابط

 جارى تحضير الرابط برجاء الانتظار لا تغلق الصفحة

Safety online

When you go online to send messages, play video games, download an app, or just check your social media, it's important to remember a few simple rules that can keep you safe.

1-Choose strong passwords

It's important to use a password that is a mix of letters, numbers, and special characters like !, & or $. Long passwords are also a good idea as they are hard to guess. Never use your name or date of birth, your pet's name, or anything that hackers can guess from your social media.

2-Think before you post

When you post a comment or photo on social media, it stays there forever-even if you delete it from your account . Don't post or share anything nasty or false.

3- Be careful of friend requests

Don't accept friend requests from people you don't know. Always tell your parents if someone you don't know sends you messages or wants to chat with you, and don't click on any links they send you. Never share personal information with anyone.

4-Be kind online

Cyberbullying  is a big problem for young people. It's easier for bullies to post horrible messages online as they can hide behind a false name. Cyberbullying can happen any time you are online - at home, at school, or out with your friends. Tell an adult if someone is bullying you. And always be kind online.

5- Check emails

Last week, i received an email. The email said that I  had won a big prize, like a new smartphone or a large sum of money. The message looked official, so I  was excited. The email asked me  to type my personal information, including my full name, address, and phone number. Without thinking carefully, I  quickly sent all the information. A few days later, I  checked his bank account and was shocked to see that a lot of money was missing. I  knew that I  had been scammed. The email was a fake. I  felt very embarrassed. I  learned an important lesson: always be careful online and never share personal information without checking if the source is real. Now, I am more cautious.

6-Save your time

Time is very important. That is why we should spend our spare time in a useful way. A wise person is the one who makes the best use of it. Some people like to practise sports to keep fit and strong; others prefer reading and writing to live in their own world. Reading is the most important and famous hobby that people can enjoy a lot. It helps them to spend a nice and useful time. A book is a good friend that you can have with you where you go. It provides you with different kinds of knowledge and lots of information. That is why we have to encourage our pupils to go to school libraries. There, they can read and borrow books to know more about different subjects, countries and different people. Nowadays, free reading competitions are held and winners are awarded to spread the love of reading among students as it gives them the chance to think better.

Science and technology

 - what's the difference? Well, science tell us about the world and how everything in it works. Technology, on the other hand, helps us to solve problems. It also helps us to do things better and more quickly.

In science, we ask questions about the natural world -questions like, if this happens, why does this always happen next? To answer these questions, we do tests. We must look carefully at the results of the tests to check whether our ideas are correct. If we can use science to prove something, we know it is a fact. For example, we can do tests to show that, at sea level, if fresh water cools to a temperature of zero degrees Celsius, it always freezes into solid ice.

In technology, we use the information we learn from science to solve problems and find new ways to do things. Sometimes we do this by making devices such as phones and computers. Of course, to make a device that uses electricity, we must first understand how electricity works in other words, the science behind the technology

So, in short, science is about understanding the world, while technology is about using that understanding of the world to make and do things that help it.


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